Hail Damage

Hail Damage Repair Services in Wentzville, MO

Missouri is no stranger to severe weather, and nothing is scarier during a storm than hearing hail pelting the top of your home or business. Hail can range in size from little pebbles to baseballs, and these hard pieces of ice can wreak havoc on even the best built roofs when they fall. There’s little you can do to protect yourself when hail begins, but you’ll need to address the aftermath to keep your building safe. Sometimes, in the most severe cases, hail can be large enough and move with enough speed to punch clean through shingles, leaving big holes and knocking large areas loose. Other times, the damage hail leaves can be more minor looking, but equally nefarious over time. These problems can include pitting of the shingles and shifting that will make them less secure and more susceptible to falling in future storms. If you want your roof inspected or repaired following a hail storm, contact us today for help.

What Does Hail Damage Look Like?

Hail damage can manifest itself in many ways. If you want to do a quick inspection of your home following a storm to access the damages before calling us, here at the main things to look out for all over your property that could spell trouble.
  • Hail markings on driveway, sidewalks, etc.
  • Siding cracks, chips or markings
  • Window glass chipping
  • Screen doors rips
  • Paint knocked off items
  • Bush and flower damage
  • Pitted metal on vehicles
  • And more!
If you have seen any of these symptoms across your property, chances are your roof sustained pretty severe damage as well, even if you can’t see it for yourself. Don’t leave this damage alone, get it resolved to avoid more severe problems in the future!
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Call today for repairs for your hail-damaged roof.
(636) 248-9418
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